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Me standing in a jungle.

Jaroslav Vašák

Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to My Personal Blog

Join me, Jaroslav Vašák, a fruit enthusiast and dedicated yogi, on my journey of simplicity, gratitude, and sustainability. Based in a tranquil, nature-filled community, I share my transformative experience from hitting rock bottom at 21 to embracing a life of mindfulness, conscious living, and a fruitarian lifestyle. Explore the depths of human connection, the power of presence, and the simplicity of being together through my stories and insights.

Explore My Journey

Person standing with open arms in Khao Sok.

Personal Development

Wat Ruese Pa Saeng Tham


Wadi Rum

My Life

Latest Blog Posts

Sitting on a wooden wall, leaned on a beam with Aziza, both facing away.

My story of making deep connections with others

In recent months, I have felt lonely, which is paradoxical because I live in the SpoluZemě Vrábsko community and have experienced life in other ecovillages. Living in a community brings both beauty and challenges that lead me to focus on myself and deeper connections with others. I have found that the key to these connections lies in full presence and non-verbal perception. This allows me to better understand myself and others, creating relational depth through simple being together.

I am sitting in half lotus pose on the ground in local temple

Continuation of breathing techniques – introducing more advanced breathing techniques

Introduction to advanced breathing techniques – anuloma viloma, nadi shuddhi, kapalbhati and bhastrika pranayama. More intensive breathing techniques, which should only be started after mastering the basic breathing techniques.

Introduction to breathing techniques

Introduction to breathing techniques – 4 basic breathing techniques

Introduction of four simple breathing techniques – chandra bhedana, surya bhedana, bhramari pranayama, and ujjayi pranayama. Pranayamas that will change your life.

A person inside a hollowed-out tree trunk.

Discover My Story