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Nobody Is Perfect

Nobody is perfect, but I am nobody. Did you also want to be perfect? Perfection was the goal of my journey. I wanted to be the best. And how did it end up with me in the end?

Nobody Is Perfect

When I was in elementary school, everyone knew this phrase. Not to mention that we even had a show on TV with the same name. Today, I can imagine the youngsters singing a song from Hannah Montana or wearing various funny t-shirts with the inscription, “Nobody is perfect, but I’m Nobody.”

One thing is to know something and the other thing is to actually realize it. As an example, we can take the Japanese parents, who certainly know that their children cannot be perfect, but they still require perfection from them. What an irony!

We Are All Perfect

This phrase was probably heard by less of us. This is the exact opposite, but the meaning of the previous phrase isn’t excluded, on the contrary, it’s just a different perspective on the same thing.

As a little boy, I could hardly think of the fact that the perfection does exist in the world so I would only leave this controversy for later chapters.

Why Did I Want to Be Perfect

At primary school, we often encounter misunderstanding from the others. As little children, we are mainly interested in making others happy and fitting into the group. I was not an exception, and like you, I wished to be the one liked by everyone.

I was in the third grade when one of the biggest mass hysteria broke out and it was nothing else than Pokemon. No, I don’t talk about Pokemon Go, I mean a Japanese series along with cards, stickers and other souvenirs in the shape of cute pocket monsters.

Do you ask how do Pokemon relate to perfection? Do you remember the theme song? If not, let’s recall it. “I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was …”. Quickly I became one with the song. I also wanted to catch ‘em all. I wanted to be the very best!

I Want to Be the Very Best

“What does it mean to be the best? How can we become someone that everyone likes? “I always thought about how to please my classmates. My answer was unambiguous: “I want to be the best in everything. I want to be perfect. Then everyone will love me.”

The Path to Awareness

Probably no one is surprised that I was not very popular in the classroom. I was such a nerd. Besides, where else would I get the motivation to change something about myself? The journey to perfection began by watching my classmates. I tried not to say my opinions aloud, stay silent, sincerely listen and find out what they like and not like. The aim was to bring my image closer to the ideal of my classmates.

My plan was flawless, right? Simple, yet effective. The naivety of my thoughts did not leave me waiting for a long time. All of us is different and we cannot be surprised that we also have different opinions. One of my classmates told me: “I like funny guys.” My other classmate told me the opposite view: “I like boys who act as adults and don’t constantly make some pranks.” “What to do now?” My brain was shattering. “What about being like that in a presence of one of them and the other way in the presence of the another?” I was thinking with a small smile on my face. “And what about in the presence of both of them at once?” I asked. My brain starts heating up slightly while I get into depression.

This is not the right way.

This is the first article in the series: 

The beginning of my journey

  1. Nobody Is Perfect
  2. Where Do I Belong? 3 Groups That Characterize Us.
  3. Who I Want to Be? A Brief Reflection on Life.
  4. How to Be Happy: Reflection on Long-Term Happiness
  5. 8 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life Quality
  6. Why Being Open-Minded, Is the Key to Understanding Life
  7. How Did I Get from Personal Development to Spirituality
  8. The Ego and Mind, Our Two Best Friends or Worst Enemies?
  9. Concentration… Gate to Calm the Mind
  10. Everyone Is Perfect
  11. The Key to Happiness in the Modern World

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