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Introduction to My Blog

Why did I decide to write personal blog? Everyone has its own unique life story. I would like to share few interesting and important events from my life.

Why Did I Decide to Write Personal Blog?

The main reason, why I decided to write this blog was to organize my thoughts. It is not important for me what kind of thoughts they are right now, but the fact that they are in my head. I will find out in the future whether they are correct or not.

Steve Jobs conveyed in his speech in Stanford University:

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Steve Jobs

Another reason is to meet new people. Those who will complement my thoughts and opinions. Such people with whom we can mutually widen our horizons and if possible pull together.

I will be very glad if my articles inspire and motivate others. I am also excited to receive any feedback from you.

My Story

It has been 26 years since I first saw the light of day. My first steps were unconscious. With gaining some knowledge and improving my language the first trivial questions came to my mind, and people around me were the target. After few experiences and answers I was slowly getting to know the world around me. The more knowledge I gained, the more complicated questions crossed my mind. Soon, I had  questions which, I think, don’t even have answers.

I was in the first grade of elementary school. When I stood in front of a mirror and watched my reflection. Then I started to question myself: “Who am I, actually? Why am I in this body and not in a different one? What am I really doing here? What is the point of all this?” I didn’t talk to anyone about these questions, because I wouldn’t be able to explain some of them and I had a feeling that I wouldn’t get answers to the rest of them anyway. At that time, the internet was still in an early stage to blaze a trail, but even if I had had access to it, there was only few information back then. It wasn’t easy to ask your good “uncle google” and get every answer or at least a direction. Therefore, I let my questions rest in a drawer and started to follow the motto “Life will teach you”.

Life Lesson

Life taught me to stop asking questions without answers. It taught me to live without knowing why I do things I do. To follow the mainstream which is carrying away most of us. Without even knowing, where this stream is heading to and where it actually ends.

It has been more than five years since the mainstream carried me away to an impasse. I bumped and sank until the very bottom. I had two options: I could stay idle in the bottom of the river or I could try to reach the surface, swim upriver and find a new way. In the end, life really gave me a lesson and I chose the latter option. Now I am questioning myself: “Was it really inevitable? Couldn’t I realize some things earlier? Did I really have to go to the extreme?

What is My Blog Going to Be About

What am I going to write about? Once my teacher asked us a question about content of a poem we read in classroom. I raised my hand and proudly said: “It is about life”. She replied: “It is too vague.” I apologize to you, but I cannot specify my topics more clearly. I like broad views. I want to write about topics I am interested in. About things I like in this world and things I don’t. I want to raise interesting questions, maybe even silly ones. But I think it is worth to be engaged in them. I want to write about a river we are sailing, where we are heading and what its end is.

What Are my Resources

Even though I will try to write in general, I am going to use my own experiences a lot. Therefore, my opinion can be influenced by my view of life. I will draw more knowledge from different kinds of books, videos and lectures about personal development, philosophy, religion and others. I must not forget the people who surrounding me, my family, my friends, the acquaintances, or just the random strangers we meet every day.

What I Write is Absolute?!

I am not going to write any new scripture. I am on a journey full of changes, therefore it is possible that my opinions will be changing with the time and they could even contradict each other. What I write today can be different tomorrow or in a month. And since I know that I know nothing, I will be glad if your knowledge complements my ignorance.

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